Legal Protection for Child Victims of the Crime of Rape in Decision Number 239/PID.SUS/2022/PN.CLP
This research aims to understand and analyzelegal protection for child victims of criminal acts of rape in decision Number 239/Pid.Sus/2022/PN.CLP and the judge's considerations in providing legal protection for child victims of rape. The approach method is normative juridical, descriptive analytical research specifications, the data type uses secondary data, the data collection method is through library research, while the data analysis method is qualitative analysis. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the crime imposed by the judge in decision Number 239/Pid.Sus/2022/PN.CLP had provided sufficient legal protection for child victims of the crime of rape, but it was still in the form of abstract protection and there was no real legal protection, for example rehabilitation. The judge's considerations in decision Number 239/Pid.Sus/2022/PN.
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