The Expansion in the Competence of PTUN Jakarta on Binding KTUN Dispute Decisions

Slamet Supriyadi, Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah, Peni Rinda Listyawati


This legal research aims to identify and analyze the competence of Jakarta state administrative court decisions in the institution’s judicial power system. This research method is normative law research with a Statute Approach that prioritizes the legal material of legislation related to the problems that are being faced to get the main answers to the problems formulated. The results of this study found, first, Jakarta State Administrative Court have competence in adjudicating disputes over bound state administrative decisions. Second, the object of the dispute being tried becomes a new context in the authority of the state administrative court. Third, the decision to cancel the State Administrative Decision is bound automatically removes the form of state administrative decisions that cause.


Competence; Decision; Dispute.

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