Nurul Ilmiyati Setyobudi, Rachmad Mudiyono, Soedarsono Soedarsono


Semarang is one of the major cities in Indonesia with a population that continues to increase every year. The policy on urban density is not a transportation policy, but this policy has an impact, directly and indirectly, on the city's transportation system. The existence of public transportation facilities serving various urban areas is currently of poor quality, causing various impacts on the community. As a result, many people underutilize these modes and prefer to use private vehicles. The research method that will be used in this research is descriptive quantitative method with a rationalistic approach. The ratio used is a simple statistical method. The data used for the assessment of effectiveness and efficiency is seen from the ratio of Accessibility, Capacity, Punctuality, Ticket Prices, Organizational Characteristics, Environmental Characteristics, Worker Characteristics and Management Practices. The results of this study can be concluded that the pattern of movement of public transport users in the Penggaron-Kalibanteng route area of Semarang City (Trans Semarang Corridor 1) falls into the category of evenly accessible to public transport users easily and effectively by meeting all indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of public transportation. The effectiveness level of the Penggaron-Kalibanteng route in Semarang City (Trans Semarang Corridor 1) has an average percentage value of 96.23% and is classified as very effective. Easy accessibility, bus capacity is in accordance with the number of passengers, and ticket prices are in accordance with the facilities. SPSS calculation of the effectiveness of public transportation services where what is considered effective is from the assessment characteristics of the elements of Capacity, Ticket prices, Organizational characteristics, Environmental characteristics, Worker characteristics and Management characteristics. Meanwhile, the efficiency level has an average percentage value of 94.50% (Vehicle Utility and Load Factor) which is classified as good and efficient. The results of the SPSS calculation of the efficiency of public transportation services where what is considered efficient consists of assessing accessibility, ticket prices, environmental characteristics and management characteristics.


Public Transportation, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Penggaron- Kalibanteng Route (Trans Semarang Corridor 1), Characteristics of Public Transportation Services

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/pondasi.v29i1.32953


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