Angga Wisnu Firmansyah


The problems in this research can be formulated as follows: 1) What are the factors causing the change in the PPAT work area / area in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 from regencies / municipalities to provinces? 2) What is the opinion of PPAT on changes to PPAT working areas / areas? 3) What are the implications of Government Regulation no. 24 of 2016 amendments from government regulation no. 37 of 1998 concerning the Position of PPAT against the Work Areas / Areas of PPAT?

The legal approach method used in this research is empirical legal research. The type of research used in this research is explanatory research.PeThis research is classified as normative and empirical research, so the data required is secondary data and primary data. In the implementation of data collection, it is used by means of library research and field studies, then analyzed with the theory of certainty and the theory of benefit.

The results showed that 1) Factors Causing Changes in the PPAT Work Area / Area in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 from Regency / City to Province. Changes in the work area of the PPAT, among others, have an impact on: For PPATs, this change in the area / working area makes them free to move and must make changes. The judiciary establishes communication more comprehensively with the BPN regional office and the Regency / City BPN office, and the PPAT, especially regarding land disputes that are ongoing in the judiciary, whether they are assigned branches or not, so that disputes do not become more complicated.Implications of Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 Amendment From Government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 concerning the Position of PPAT in the working area of the PPAT. Suggestions: 1)To PPAT, it is recommended that in carrying out its authority in the work area in accordance with the applicable government regulations, with the change in this region / working area, it is hoped that PPAT can work more professionally. 2) To the government, changes to the Region / Work Area will have an impact on PPAT performance, so that it is hoped that the government will further tighten the PPAT authority in their respective work areas.

Keywords: Implication, Government Regulation, Position of PPAT

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