Juridical Analysis Of Notary Accountability In Authentic Deed Falsification

Aditya Rahma Wicaksono


Notary is a public official appointed by the government to assist the community in making authentic deeds and other authorities regulated by laws that exist or arise in everyday life. Notaries in carrying out their profession of providing services to the community should behave according to the applicable rules. This is important because notaries carry out their duties not solely for personal interests, but also for the benefit of society, and have an obligation to ensure the correctness of the deeds they make, research uses a normative juridical approach, the results of the study state that The Central Honorary Council has the authority to limit the number of Notary deeds drafting because based on the Articles of Association of the Indonesian Notary Association it has been stated that the duties and powers of the Honorary Council are to enforce the Code of Ethics. In the Code of Ethics of the Indonesian Notary Association, it has been stated that Notaries and all people who carry out the Position of Notary Public are prohibited from making deeds in an unreasonable number. The making of the Deed in a fair amount is then followed up through the Regulation of the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Notary Association Number 1 of 2017.

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