Political Transformation Of Islamic Inheritance Law Into National Law

Ade Kusumadewi


Development of the Indonesian legal system that was born by the state, it must be in line with the substance of universal Islamic values and Islamic legal values in order to achieve the great goals and ideals of this nation. There is a need to develop thoughts about the rule of law and the politics of Islamic law and its implications. This study uses a normative juridical approach, the results obtained are the political policy transformation of Islamic law into national law has nothing to do with the struggle for an Islamic or Islamic state as the basis of the state. On the other hand, Islamic law legislation into state legislation has a positive contribution in strengthening the adherence of Muslims to the commitment of the nation state because sharia can go hand in hand and be compatible with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The influence of the Islamic legal system on national legal politics is play a role in creating a value system that regulates the majority of the Indonesian Muslim community as the majority community, becoming a material source for the formation of national law to fill the legal void.

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