Andri Winjaya Laksana


The purpose of this research is to see and analyze the manifestation of the values of Pancasila to the application of the law which is the fundamental foundation of the Indonesian nation. The approach method used is juridical normative, namely research by examining library materials (secondary data) or library law research. The results of the research obtained show that the manifestation of Pancasila Values on the application of the Omnibus law must be in line with the view of justice in national law based on the basis of the state. Pancasila as the basis of the state or state philosophy has until now been maintained and is still considered important for the Indonesian state. Pancasila, which is the fundamental foundation of the Indonesian nation, must be realized because Pancasila, the philosophy of Indonesian life, is essentially a systematic value. Therefore, as a philosophical basis, the principles of Pancasila are an aspect of unity, hierarchy, and systematic

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• Legislation:

The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

Act no. 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Laws and Regulations

Act Number 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Act Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Laws and Regulations


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