Ariyanto Ariyanto, Joncik Muhammad


All laws and regulations including laws in Indonesia must be in accordance with the concept of the hierarchy of laws and regulations as explained in Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Laws and Regulations which are concepts and paradigms in the formation of laws and regulations. The presence of the omnibus law concept which is a new paradigm of law in Indonesia has been put forward by President Joko Widodo as a development program in the field of law during his period. The reason President Joko Widodo wanted the concept of the omnibus law was because thousands of regulations scattered in various institutions had hampered development.How is the concept of omnibus law related to legal norms in force in Indonesia?Based on the description above, it is necessary to see how the contents of the legal norms in the law with the concept of the omnibus law, namely whether they are general or specific as ordinary laws, if they are specific, not all provisions are revoked but only those that are contradictory. However, if the provisions are general it will become a problem if it is clashed with the principle of lex specialist derogat legi generalis (special rules that rule out general rules). Therefore, it must be arranged in a hierarchy of statutory regulations regarding its position so that the concept of the omnibus law is intended as a law that is made to target various objects into one big issue that might be able to repeal or change several laws at once. Thus the law with the concept of the omnibus law made is a new legal model or a new paradigm in legislation in Indonesia. Because of a new paradigm in the laws and regulations in Indonesia, the law with the concept of the omnibus law will change the system of laws and regulations, because the concepts and theories are different from the legal models and legal norms that have prevailed in Indonesia.

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