Binov Handitya, Jarot Jati Bagus Suseno


Pros and cons of opinion that enlivened the government’s plan related to the omnibus law, among those who supported the government’s plan, stated that the omnibus law was the right solution to address the overlapping issues of several laws and regulations in Indonesia. But the opponents or contra think that the omnibus law plan is considered as an effort to delegitimize the rights of each sector of the nation’s life, especially concerning labor and other sectors that can be affected due to their enactment. The problem in writing this paper is how is omibus law in terms of advantages and disadvantages of the legal codification system in Indonesia? Codification and omnibus law systems are systematic and integrated written patterns of norms for written regulations based on the principle of popular sovereignty with the formation of laws as a product of political approval or the highest legislative act under the law basis through people’s representative institutions whose elaboration is further stipulated by executive acts by the implementing agency of the law or branch of executive power. Omnibus law is a product of the Act that can revoke or amend several existing laws that can be scattered in several regulations, then streamlined in one Act to better target the solution to a conflict between government administrators and regulations legislation with specific objectives to improve the investment climate and as a guarantee of legal certainty and legal protection for policy makers. Even though the aim is good, it must still be considered in terms of advantages, that is, there are efficiencies and shortcomings that allow for legal deviations in our legal codification system in Indonesia.

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