Analysis of the Mathematical Comprehension Ability of Grade XI Students on Story Problems Material on Arithmetic Sequences and Series
The purpose of this study was to obtain a profile of the mathematical
understanding ability of class XI students on story problems in Arithmetic
Sequences and Series material. Qualitative research methods were used in this
study, with descriptive analysis techniques. The research was conducted at SMAN
1 Rogojampi with 38 class XI students as the research subjects. The research
instrument is a test to analyze comprehension skills and interview guidelines.
Several stages of research are planning, implementation and observation. Then,
explore students' mathematical understanding abilities by using 4 test items. After
that interviews were conducted with students. The results in this study stated that
the level of students' mathematical understanding ability was classified as in the
medium category. It could be seen that overall students were still lacking in
understanding the concept of the material so they could not use the formula
correctly when answering the questions given.
Full Text:
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