Cultural-Based Contextual Learning Design Material Area and Circumference of the Square Through Tools Ancak

M. Gunawan Supiarmo, Sri Harmonika, Muhammad Wiranadi Utama, Tarmuzi Tarmuzi


The 2013 curriculum in Indonesia emphasizes the application of scientific method-based mathematics learning, namely scientific learning. However, the fact is that learning mathematics, especially with plane-shaped materials, often uses conventional methods, monotonous presentation of concepts, and teacher-focused learning approaches. Therefore, learning mathematics should be linked to the realities of everyday life, one of which is through learning that utilizes the cultural context. Culture-based contextual learning is mathematics learning that uses a contextual approach with a cultural context as a starting point to build and connect students' understanding of contextual mathematics to formal mathematics. In this study, the cultural context used is a traditional tool in the form of a random number, which is usually seen by students in everyday life. Tools ancak is a traditional tool commonly used by the people of Sapit village as a place to bring various types of dishes to sacred events. The purpose of this research is to produce a culture-based contextual learning design on the area and perimeter of a square. This research method uses qualitative research with a design research approach to development studies. The results show that tools ancak is one of the traditional tools that can be applied to implement culture-based contextual learning because tools ancak has a physical form that can help students understand mathematics, especially the area and perimeter of a square. In addition, this culture-based contextual learning design is also beneficial for students to learn mathematics, especially the area and perimeter of a square while preserving local culture.

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