Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih


Laws define what must be done and what cannot be done or prohibited. The legal targets to be aimed at are not only people who are actually acting against the law, but also legal actions that are likely to occur, and to the state apparatus to act according to the law. Such a working system of law applies one form of law enforcement that applies in Indonesia. The increase in uncontrolled corruption will bring disaster, not only to the life of the national economy, but also to the life of the nation and state in general. To answer the writing questions that have been formulated above, the authors will use the normative research method. Pancasila as the source of all sources of law in Indonesia can provide a legal system building, which is free from corruption and still upholds human rights for all Indonesian citizens. The Pancasila method as a source of law forms a legal system, namely by basing all national policies on the morals and original characteristics of the Indonesian nation. So that corruption can be prevented not because of the death penalty in the law, but corruption can be prevented because of the moral building and moral formations contained in Pancasila.

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