Andri WInjaya Laksana


The background of President Joko Widodo in creating the Job Creation Act is to improve the structure of the economy in almost all sectors by creating jobs, and increasing investment and productivity. In essence, this Law is beneficial for all parties, namely for entrepreneurs, workers and more importantly for the Indonesian economy. Because the implication of the Omnibus Law is simplification, it is identical to the application of hierarchical principles of legislation. Of course, this must really be done correctly because the implications of revocation of regulations are many, but they are still constitutional and do not violate the theoretical, normative and philosophical principles of law. The context of the Job Creation Law which has been ratified and will be promulgated, there are still many forms of acceptance of rejection with demonstrations everywhere, this cannot be used as an indicator that when a statutory regulation has a lot of resistance, then the norms in it are not good.


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