Jarot Jati Bagus Suseno


The restoration of the rights and conditions of victims of trafficking in persons has not yet been carried out properly. This paper aims to further analyze the protection of victims of the crime of trafficking in persons who have not been able to accommodate the rights and losses of victims. The method is non-doctrinal with a socio-legal approach. Based on the analysis of the existing findings, it is clear that the implementation of the protection of the rights of victims of trafficking in persons has not been running effectively due to unclear restitution arrangements, both in terms of magnitude and related to criminal arrangements for replacement of restitution. The Crime of Trafficking in Persons is a crime against humanity that can harm a person both materially and physically and mentally. In addition, it is necessary for victims of trafficking in persons to obtain protection of their rights, which in this case can be done through restitution. In practice, the amount of restitution is not clearly defined. In addition, the existence of a criminal substitute for compensation, which in this case includes restitution, makes the implementation of restitution constrained for victims of trafficking in persons. Such conditions clearly contradict the First Precepts, Second Precepts, and Fifth Precepts of Pancasila, as well as the Fourth Paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the purpose of the state, as well as Article 28D paragraph (1) and Article 28G Paragraph (1 ) and Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the basic foundation related to the human rights of victims of human trafficking, and as a legal ratio in law in Indonesia. The update in this paper is to contribute thoughts regarding the importance of adding restitution as an additional crime in the provisions regarding criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of trafficking in persons in Indonesia.

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