Muhammad Fadlan, Aulia Muthiah


Classic problems that still often occur in cases of buying and selling online are when the quality of the goods ordered does not match what was promised by the business actor, the images seen by consumers do not match reality, the delivery time is late, and the goods are damaged when they arrive at their destination. . These problems are essentially the risks of buying and selling online. It becomes a problem when business actors cannot be contacted by consumers who ask for their rights to be fulfilled perfectly. So that consumers are harmed as a result of irresponsible business actors.

As for the results of this study, the sale and purchase agreement is a reciprocal agreement that gives birth to rights and obligations for the parties, namely business actors and consumers. This sale and purchase agreement was born due to the meeting of the will of business actors and consumers, then they agreed on products and prices. The consequence of the sale and purchase agreement is the transfer of ownership of the goods and payment of the price of the goods.

The principle of consumer protection in online buying and selling transactions refers fully to the UUPK, so that in its application it can use the principle of responsibility based on the element of error/negligence. and also the principle of absolute responsibility (strict liability). In principle, these two methods aim to provide protection to consumers, especially in online transactions made with internet media.

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