Muhammad Fauzi, Eko Setyo Ari Wibowo


The data from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion shows that more than 300 religious leaders died during the Covid-19 pandemic, and Covid-19 vaccination now is very urgent. Kyai, and other religiouse leader in Pesantren become priority to get Covid-19 vaccination. According to the health experts that vaccines can reduce disease and mortality rates and really needed by people to prevent someone from certain diseases. In the Indonesian Context, at present the Covid-19 vaccine has received a “green light†from the MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) with the statement that the Covid-19 vaccine is halal and safe. Now, detailed preparations for the Covid-19 vaccination program are continuing, with the priority of health workers which are at the forefront of handling the Covid-19 outbreak. The important thing to note, that teaching staff and those who provide public services must become priority. Religious leaders are indeed included in the category of public service officers because they play a big role in the religious services. In the view of maqashids (objectives) al-shariah. Preventive plans must be taken in anticipation of emergencies and dharurat. The study is carried out to determine the presence of the term and concepts related to Maqashid al-Sharia (Objectives of the Sharia Islamiah). Islamic jurisprudence is built from two major foundations which are to give maslahah (interest) to human beings and push away all the troubles from them. This is as stated in the method of fiqhiyyah which is “Jalbu al Masalih wa Dar’u al Mafasidâ€. Today, the method of maslahat is used to solve many current social issues. This study is done using the methodology of literature research to solve the Pros and Cons of Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. These issues are then examined and scrunitised from Islamic point of view to visualise the process of law designation through the method of Jalbu al Maslahah. The outcome of this research is important as an evidence that Islam is a religion that is also capable of solving current issues.


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