The Criminal Aspect Of Transfer Of Fidusia Securities As A Basis Of Rules In The Criminal Jurisdiction Process

Suwanto Suwanto


The existence of a fiduciary guarantee provision makes it easy for credit seekers without having to hand over physically pledged goods such as in a pawn. In its implementation, fiduciary is not only used by entrepreneurs, but also by the general public. Initially, fiduciary objects were only moving objects, but in its development it can also be applied to fixed objects. After the issuance of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary, it further emphasizes that if there are defaults such as examples of embezzlement, it has become a criminal jurisdiction. The approach method used in this research is normative juridical. This research specification is descriptive analytical. The data source used is secondary data. Secondary data with literature study and document study. Qualitative data analysis and problems were analyzed using guarantee theory, legal certainty theory, and punishment theory. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the criminal aspects that exist in the transfer of fiduciary security objects are contained in the criminal provisions of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Security and Articles of the Criminal Code which can ensnare the perpetrator if they fulfill the criminal elements in the Criminal Code, as well as obstacles in optimization. The criminal provisions of the fiduciary guarantee law come from internal factors of law enforcers and external faculty regarding the transfer of objects of fiduciary security and weaknesses in the substance of the criminal provisions of the fiduciary guarantee law

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