The Role of Notaries in the Process of Implementing Wakaf with Land Rights as the Object in Blora Regency

Olivia Isnawati


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of notaries and land deed officials in the process of implementing waqf with land rights objects in Blora Regency, to determine the procedure for implementing waqf with land rights objects in Blora Regency. The type of research using Juridical Sociology is to emphasize research that aims to obtain legal knowledge empirically by going directly to the object with a qualitative approach method based on phenomenology and the constructivism paradigm in developing science. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature studies, while the data analysis method is carried out using analytical descriptive analysis. This study produces 1. the role of notaries in the process of implementing waqf with land rights objects in Blora Regency. Notaries can be appointed as Waqf Pledge Deed Officials (PPAIW). The main requirements for a Notary to become a PPAIW must be Muslim, trustworthy and have a competency certificate in the field of Waqf issued by the Ministry of Religion, besides that notaries can help record or provide legal certainty for the waqf process and the land transfer process. 2. procedures for implementing waqf in Blora Regency. Blora with the object of land rights, efforts made to overcome problems that can hinder the waqf process require related communication between Notaries and the KUA and the Ministry of Religion as well as socialization in the notary association forum so that it leads to an understanding of the existing problems.Keywords: Notary; Provide; Role; Waqf.

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