Legal Protection for Skmht Holders (Authorization Letter to Charge Money Rights) Which is Not Continued on The Installation of The Apht (Deed of Granting Money Rights)

Mega Febria Putri, Dahniarti Hasana


SKMHT and APHT have very important functions, especially in providing credit in banking institutions. Providing credit and as a means of protection for debtor security for certainty of debtor debt repayment is a guarantee institution. This study aims to analyze the legal protection for creditors holding a Power of Attorney to Charge Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) in order to avoid legal risks due to not continuing the installation of the Deed of Mortgage Rights (APHT) and what are the legal consequences for creditors holding a Power of Attorney to Charge Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) which is not continued with the Deed of Mortgage Rights (APHT). The research method used is a normative approach by analyzing related laws and regulations, especially the Civil Code (KUHPerdata), Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights, UUJN, Regulation of the Minister of State for Agrarian Affairs/Head of BPN Number 3 of 1996, and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997. The results of the study indicate that creditors holding SKMHT that are not continued to APHT are in a weak position because they do not have executorial power and are only considered concurrent creditors in accordance with Articles 1131 and 1132 of the Civil Code. If the creditor cannot carry out parate executie, then they must take legal action through a civil lawsuit in court if the debtor is in default. This condition results in high risks for creditors, especially in terms of receivables settlement. The importance of making APHT immediately after SKMHT is made to provide legal certainty and adequate protection for creditors. In order to avoid the risk of not continuing the installation of APHT, it is necessary to improve coordination between banks, notaries and land institutions to ensure that the APHT creation process runs smoothly and on time.

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