Legal Power of Making a Statement of Validity and Truth of Documents in Electronic Mortgage Registration

Nunik Kustianingih


Electronic Mortgage Certificates have become digitalization in electronic mortgage registration where in today's developments all processes will switch to electronic or digital, one of which is in making a statement of validity and truth of documents in electronic mortgage registration according to article 10 paragraph 4 of the regulation of the Minister of ATR / BPN number 5 of 2020. This study aims to determine and analyze the Legal Power of Making a Statement of Validity and Truth of Documents in Electronic Mortgage Registration. This study uses perspective research with a normative legal research type. This research was conducted with a theoretical approach and a legislative approach to obtain secondary data sourced from primary, secondary, tertiary legal materials obtained through literature studies to strengthen secondary data. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the first is the procedure and legal basis for making a statement of the validity and truth of documents in electronic mortgage registration that is in accordance with Article 10 paragraph 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of ATR/BPN Number 5 of 2020 which explains that the cover letter of the validity and truth of documents issued by the PPAT is mandatory and is the responsibility of the PPAT and must be signed on a stamp and stamped by the PPAT, the second is the Legal Force Regarding the Making of a Statement of the Validity and Truth of Documents in Electronic Mortgage Registration will only have legally binding force and the power of proof is equivalent to an authentic deed if its truth is recognized by others.

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