Legal Consequences of the Termination of Building Use Rights as Mortgage Objects Before the Credit Agreement Matures

Diani Nur Yupatmi


This study aims to analyze: 1) The position of the holder of the mortgage right on the land of the building use right in the credit agreement. 2) The legal consequences of the termination of the building use right as the object of the mortgage right before the credit agreement matures. The approach method in this study is the statute approach. This type of research is a normative research. The type and source of data in this study are secondary data obtained through literature studies. The analysis in this study is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study concluded: 1) The position of the holder of the mortgage right on the land of the building use right in the credit agreement the position of the holder of the mortgage right on the land of the building use right in the credit agreement since the termination of the mortgage right, namely the creditor (holder of the mortgage right) is no longer guaranteed by the Mortgage Right, the creditor henceforth does not have a position as a preferred creditor, but rather as a concurrent creditor (Article 1131 of the Civil Code). The credit or debt agreement between the creditor and debtor remains in place (continues to take place), but the creditor's position as the holder of the mortgage rights which previously took precedence in the repayment of the debt changes status to become a concurrent creditor. Its position will be the same as the position of other creditors who are not holders of mortgage rights whose receivables are not prioritized and the creditors together as concurrent creditors. 2) The legal consequences of the termination of the building use rights as the object of the mortgage right before the credit agreement matures, namely not causing the debt secured by the Mortgage Right to be canceled. The elimination of the mortgage right due to the elimination of the land rights burdened with the Mortgage Right does not cause the guaranteed debt to be canceled. The legal consequences of expired Building Use Rights are that logically the debtor in this case is no longer entitled to the collateral object because the expired land rights according to the law have returned to the state, but the debtor must still continue to pay off his credit because in the process of guaranteeing the object there are 2 (two) Notary Deeds and Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) attached, namely the Deed of Granting Mortgage Rights (APHT) and the Credit Agreement Deed, which are the 2 (two) Deeds that are the basis for paying off his credit even though the object he owns has expired.

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