Function of Covernote in Relation to Buying and Selling a House Through Home Ownership Credit (KPR) at Bank Tabungan Negara, Pekanbaru Branch

Syifa Dzikra Nabila


This study aims to analyze: 1) To find out and analyze the function of covernote in relation to the sale and purchase of houses through Home Ownership Credit (KPR) at Bank Tabungan Negara Branch Pekanbaru. 2) To find out and analyze the legal consequences of notary covernote in relation to the sale and purchase of houses through Home Ownership Credit (KPR) at Bank Tabungan Negara Branch Pekanbaru. The approach method used in this study is an empirical approach. This type of research is descriptive analysis research. The types and sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature studies. The analysis in this study is descriptive analysis. The results of the study concluded: 1) The implementation of the sale and purchase of houses through home ownership credit (KPR) at Bank Tabungan Negara Pekanbaru requires a Covernote. The Covernote is issued by the Notary because the Notary has not completed his work. The function of the Covernote is as a guarantee given by the notary that a document will be completed within the promised time, if the covernote has not been submitted by the notary to Bank Tabungan Negara Pekanbaru, the process of buying and selling houses through Home Ownership Credit cannot be carried out. 2) Covernote among notaries is a Living Law or custom or law that lives in the implementation of the duties of a notary. The burden of responsibility of a Notary in carrying out his authority, duties and functions according to the law is in principle very large, especially for legal products issued by Notaries so that notaries have responsibility for the covernote that has been issued. Article 1366 of the Civil Code states that "everyone is responsible not only for his actions but also for his negligence and lack of caution. everyone is required to act with caution towards others. Everyone must have a cautious nature towards others.

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Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945

Civil Code

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