The Effectiveness of Notary Candidate Internships at the Klaten District Notary Office in Producing Professional Notaries

Endar Dani, Taufan Fajar Riyanto


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of apprenticeships for notary candidates at the current Klaten District Notary Office. 2 Analyze the obstacles and solutions in implementing apprenticeships for prospective Notaries in Klaten Regency at this time Method. This study used a sociological juridical method with a descriptive approach and used qualitative data analysis. Results. The implementation of the apprenticeship for prospective notaries at the Notary Office of Klaten Regency can be said to be quite effective, this can be seen from the implementation of the apprenticeship for prospective notaries at the notary office in Klaten Regency in accordance with Article 16A UUJN, in accordance with Indonesian Notary Association Association Regulation Number; 10/PERKUM/INI/2018 Concerning Internships, in accordance with the Internship Technical Guidelines for Extraordinary Members of the Indonesian Notary Association (ALB INI) and in accordance with notary office procedures both in terms of attendance and the level of participation of prospective notaries who carry out the internship. Internships are also quite effective to carry out because apprenticeships are related to practice. Thus apprenticeship greatly determines the quality of a notary later. The parties involved in the implementation of the internship at the notary office have their respective rights and obligations. The right of apprentice notary candidates is to obtain guidance from notary apprentice recipients. The obligation of the apprentice notary candidate is to follow the internship as well as possible until it is completed. The rights of the Notary receiving the apprenticeship are enforcing the rules and apprenticeship agreements. The obligation of the notary apprentice recipient is to guide the apprentice notary candidate. Meanwhile, the Notary Organization (INI) is obliged to provide recommendations for apprenticeships for prospective notaries who wish to carry out an internship at a notary's office as a condition for becoming a notary public. In practice, prospective notaries who take part in the apprenticeship program as required by law experience many obstacles, including; it is difficult to get an internship place for prospective Notaries, there is no curriculum or standard procedures for apprenticeship for prospective Notaries, and Notaries where apprentices do not fully provide their knowledge for reasons of confidentiality of position or busyness, and there are no criteria for Notaries who are able or capable to provide knowledge of notary practice for internships Candidate Notary Conclusion.
Keywords. Effectiveness; Implementation; Internship; Prospective.

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