Juridical Analysis of Notary Responsibilities in the Deed Made When His Term of Office Ends (Retirement) Judging

Dea Putri Amalia, Widayati Widayati


The purpose of this research is to analyze and find out: 1). AccountabilityNotary to the deed he made after his term of office ended (retirement). 2) Legal settlement if legal problems are found after the end of the Notary's term of office. The approach method in this research isnormative juridical which refers to the legal norms contained in the legislation. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study, data analysis was carried out by analytical descriptive. The results of the research concluded: 1). The Notary's responsibility for the deed he made after his term of office ends (retirement), that is, he can still be held civilly responsible if there are problems related to the deed he made. Regarding the responsibilities of a Notary that ends in accordance with the end of the Notary's term of office, it does not cause the deed he made to be of no value or binding on the parties. An authentic deed made before a notary remains valid as perfect evidence even though the notary who made the deed has ended his term of office. 2) Legal settlement if later it is found that legal problems occur after the end of the Notary's term of office, that is, if an authentic deed made before a Notary has proven to be null and void and is detrimental to the parties, the Notary can be held accountable even though the Notary's term of office has ended or has retired. The notary can be sued in court with a claim for compensation costs along with interest by the parties who have made a deed to him for the losses caused by the notary so that the deed is legally invalid as an authentic deed. This can be done by the parties as long as the authentic deed is null and void, it is still within the grace period and has not expired.

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Act No. 30 of 2004 in conjunction with Act No. 2 of 2014 concerning the Position of Notary


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