Effectiveness Of Increasing Knowledge About The Health Of Tooth Support Tissues In Pregnant Women

Ade Ismail Abdul Kodir, Rosa Pratiwi, Yusra Fadhillah


Pregnant women's awareness about the importance of maintaining oral health and hygiene during pregnancy is necessary to minimize oral health problems. Pocket book, is one of the knowledge media that is practical, easy to carry, and can be read at any time. With this pocket book, which contains some knowledge about the health of dental supporting tissues during pregnancy, it is hoped that it can help pregnant women to gain knowledge about the health of dental supporting tissues during pregnancy. This community service aims to improve the knowledge of pregnant women about the health of dental supporting tissues through pocket book media. The method used was a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach, involving 50 pregnant women selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire filled out before and after the intervention. The results of Chi-Square analysis showed a significant increase in the knowledge of pregnant women, where the percentage of pregnant women who had good knowledge increased from 20% to 70% after the intervention. These results indicate that the pocket book is effective as an educational medium. Based on these findings, it is recommended to develop a sustainable education program, utilize various educational media, and conduct follow-up research to evaluate the long-term impact. This service is expected to make a positive contribution to the health of pregnant women and fetuses through increasing awareness of the importance of oral health.


Pocket Guide; Pregnant Women; Health Education; Chi-Square; Dental Support Tissue Health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/janesha.2.2.2024.29-34


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