Technology-Based Health History Examination Training at SMPS Islamic Boarding School Demak

Mulyono Mulyono, Emilia Puspitasari Sugiyanto


A boarding school is a school where students carry out learning and care activities at school for 24 hours. The problems faced by Boarding Schools are not only education but also health. Hajar Aswad is an Islamic boarding school that has a junior secondary education program. Currently, there are 182 Hajar Aswad Middle School students. The results of the preliminary study showed that there had been no effort to collect data regarding students' health history. It is very important for schools to know about student health history because health data can anticipate further health problems for students living in Islamic boarding schools. The aim of this community service activity is to improve the ability of dormitory administrators and students in identifying health problems. The activity method is training in student health assessments and carrying out health assessments for 131 students. The results of the study were analyzed using descriptive frequency distribution analysis. The results of the activity showed that the gender of the majority of respondents was female, the nutritional status of the majority of students' BMI was in the thin category as much as 48.1%, the health problems that often occurred were ISPA as many as 102 students or 77.9%, and besides physical health problems as well. There were complaints of psychosocial problems as many as 11 students or 8.4%.


training; student health history; technology-based

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