Community Service : Application Of Reminicen Therapy In Improving The Quality Of Life Of The Elderly

Emilia Puspitasari Sugiyanto, Mulyono Mulyono


Palliative patient care is care that is long life, the elderly are one of the vulnerable age groups that often get palliative diseases. Several elderly people in the hope of the mother's nursing home had problems with a decrease in quality of life. Where the elderly experience many changes in cognitive and social body functions. This can cause quality of life problems for the elderly. At the nursing home for elderly mothers, no action has been taken to improve the quality of life for the elderly so that the quality of life problems for the elderly cannot be managed properly. So it is necessary to do an effort to improve the quality of life of the elderly. This community service is expected to improve the quality of life of the elderly. The activity started with a field survey and partner problems, then carried out the preparation of the activity program, the implementation of the program and the preparation of reports. The expected final results include improving the quality of life of the elderly


Reminicen therapy, quality of life for the elderly

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