chandra hadi prasetiya, Mariyati Mariyati


Mental health is a problem that is influenced by various factors, including the impact of modernization, because not everyone is able to adapt to various technological changes. Mental disorder itself is a condition of inability and invalidity both individually and as a group which can later hinder the development process. Some of the mental health problems experienced in society include anxiety, stress, depression. Because of this, the community needs to have the ability to manage mental health by increasing understanding of mental health through educational activities about mental health. The method of implementing health education activities is by delivering material, where before the material is delivered the audience is given pre-test questions first then the two presenters provide material in a panel with the first material being community mental health and the second material is stress management, in the activity there are discussion sessions, questions and answers and applications the practice of stress management then ended with the participants filling in the post test questions. The results of the work on the pre-test and post-test questions showed an increase in the average participant score where the average pre-test score was 40 and increased to 90 during the post-test. It can be concluded that health education activities carried out using the lecture method using laptops and projectors and direct practice were able to increase the knowledge of health cadres about mental health


Mental health, stress, society.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/janesha.1.1.2023.31-35


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