Establishing A “Merdeka†(Independent, Education, Support, and Consistent) Community Group That During Covid-19 Independent Isolation

kurnia wijayanti, Fitria Endah Janitra, Indah Sri Wahyuningsih


The spread of Covid-19 has spread throughout the world in such a short time that the World Health Organization (WHO) designated Covid-19 as a pandemic on March 12, 2020. Until now, the mortality and morbidity rates are increasing along with the new variant of the Covid-19 virus. The symptoms shown by Covid-19 patients also vary from not feeling any symptoms, fever, cough, runny nose, anosmia or loss of sense of smell and taste, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting to shortness of breath. Covid-19 is classified into 3 categories, namely mild, moderate and severe. Patients with mild and moderate symptoms will be treated at home and undergo self-isolation. For most people, self-isolation is an unpleasant thing, feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, and also negative stigma from society for themselves and their families, if the patient feels the symptoms are quite severe, the patient feels confused about where to ask, what to do to get rid of the problem. reduce the symptoms. The formation of the community group "MERDEKA" has the enthusiasm to provide assistance to people who are undergoing independent isolation due to Covid 19. The results of its implementation are that people who undergo self-isolation have increased knowledge about Covid 19 as many as 71 people (88%), doing breathing exercises and proning potition skills regularly. 72 people (90%), are able to carry out daily activities independently while undergoing independent isolation as many as 72 people (90%), 100% get full support from family, relatives, friends, and closest people and consistently carry out activities The recommended checklist is 75 people (93%) while undergoing self-isolation. It is hoped that this activity can be developed into an application that can help the community, especially in the health sector and be able to contribute to the development of telemedicine in Indonesia


independent community groups, self-isolation covid 19

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