Erifendi Churniawan, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko


The practice of exoneration clauses in transportation agreements with bus transportation modes is commonly found in bus tickets which confirms that the transportation service provider is not responsible for damage or loss of goods. This study aims to answer two legal issues, namely the essence of the exoneration clause in the transportation agreement using the bus and the orientation of legal protection for users of bus transportation services related to the existence of an exoneration clause in the transportation agreement. This research is a normative legal research using a concept and statutory approach. The results of the study show that the exoneration clause in the practice of transportation agreements using buses actually qualifies as a standard provision that is prohibited under positive law provisions. The orientation of legal protection for users of bus transportation services related to the existence of an exoneration clause in transportation agreements can be carried out by promoting inclusive legal ideas that are oriented towards balancing the position between users and providers of transportation services. Internal legal protection, namely that each individual must understand the provisions related to the exoneration clause in the Consumer Protection Act and the responsibility of the transportation service provider if it is proven that negligence or error resulted in the loss and/or damage to the goods of users of transportation services. External legal protection can be carried out by law enforcement officials and the Department of Transportation to provide socialization as well as discipline bus transportation service providers who still include exoneration clauses that have the potential to harm the rights of users of transportation services.

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