The Development of Law of Buying and Selling Land in Indonesia

Oktoni Oktoni


Land has an important meaning for human life, because on the land the human do the activities, Ranging from
cultivating crops, establishing houses of residence, doing business, and so forth, in addition to the economic
value of the land that continues to be higher so that it is not uncommon the land is used as an investment
object.Everyone is always expecting to have a plot of land and one way to get it is by buying and selling. Recognizing the importance of land transactions, then every ruling government always regulates the institution of
sale and purchase of land in order to ensure legal certainty and legal protection.The objectives of this study
were (1) to know the provision of buying and selling land of customary rights before the enactment of BAL;
(2) to know the provision of buying and selling land of western rights before the enactment of BAL; and (3) to
know the provision of buying and selling land after the enactment of BAL. This study was a normative juridical
research. The method of collecting data was by literature study. Data analysis used was qualitative analysis.
The findings of this research were (1) Making the deed of buying and selling of customary land rights before
the enactment of the BAL had been solely made by the seller and the buyer, witnessed by the village head; (2)
Making the deed of buying and selling of western rights land before the enactment of BAL had been made infront of notary and the juridical delivery had been made with the deed of transport as well as the registration
by transfer of title officer; and (3) Making the deed of buying and selling land after the enactment of BAL was
made before the official of the land deed officer (LDO) and the registration of its right transfer was registered
in the land office.

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