Sri Odit Megonondo


The purpose of this paper is to find out and analyze the application of halal certification in the perspective of
consumer protection law as legal certainty in the production process until it reaches consumers, the approach
method used is normative juridical, the result of the understanding states that the halal certification process
based on the Halal Guarantee Act, can be described as the following: First, the company submits an application for submission of halal certification to the Halal Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJH) which is under the
Ministry of Religion. Second, filling out files and administrative completeness along with supporting data by
the company to be submitted to BPJH. Third, the application file after being reviewed by BPJH is transferred
to an accredited Halal Guarantee Agency (LPH) for audit. Fourth, audit by LPH. Fifth, the results of the LPH
audit will be transferred to the MUI Fatwa Commission for trial and determine whether the law is halal or haram. Sixth, the Fatwa Commission session, if it is found that the product contains elements of pork or unclean
objects that have not gone through a purification process that is accepted by shara, the Fatwa Commission
will reject the application for certification and recommend changes to the ingredients.

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