Implementation Of Deposit Rights In Sharia Banking

Arie Widyantoro


This research examines the "Implementation of Mortgage Execution in Islamic Banks" with 2 (two) problems, namely: Backgroundbehind Sharia Banks carry out the execution of mortgage rights using the legal basis of Law No. 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage? Has the execution of mortgage rights at Banjarnegara Syariah Bank been able to provide justice and legal certainty for the parties and in accordance with sharia principles?  To discuss these problems, empirical normative legal research is carried out. The implications of this research are 1) So that the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) more intensely supervises Islamic financial institutions under their supervision, 2) So that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) more intensely supervises Islamic financial institutions under their supervision, 3) So that settlement of disputes on the execution of Mortgage Rights in Islamic Banks in particular and Islamic Financial Institutions in general does not conflict with the basic principles of Islamic economics, 4) In order to guarantee legal certainty for parties entering into agreements with mortgage rights.

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