Tri Ugering Ngaurip is a teaching developed by K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunegara IV, the king of the Kraton Mangkunegaran - Surakarta, in his work called Serat Wedhatama which contains three handles of life that must be owned by Javanese society. With these three concepts, the community will have a motivating guide in developing skills and achieving life direction based on Islamic perspectives that tend to be tassawuf.
Tri ugering Ngaurip concept is interesting to be discussed because it reveals financial independence, guarding honor, and trying to gain intelligence. These three things are stated to be the handle of Javanese people's life which includes arta (wealth or economy), wirya (glory), and winasis (intelligence). In the realm of education development, it should be directed towards achieving these three categories. This concept is actually a description of the Javanese philosophical expression of "work" by choosing the term "pangupa soul pangupa" (looking for food for the soul).
Wirya means honor, nobility, and dignity possessed by someone in his community. This concept also includes moral and ethics that must be possessed by someone in the process of social interaction. Arta or economy plays a role in people's lives. While Winasis is directed at the conception of multidimensional intelligence, namely emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
The achievement of tri ugering ngaurip is a motivation that underlies Javanese society to cultivate a livelihood, including the world of entrepreneurship. Practicing tri ugering ngaurip in life is actually the practice of trying to carry out religious obligations to earn a living. Therefore, the implementation of Islamic education should be insighted tri ugering urip , both as a motivation in developing entrepreneurship and in a more practical realm. This is actually an obligation that has been included from the beginning to Muslims.
Keyword(s): serat wulang, arta, wirya, winasis
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jspi.v3i1.8461
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Al-Fikri is published by the Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia.
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