Reconstruction Policy Of Sanctions Against Destruction Of Evidence Illegal Fishing Based Small Fishing Welfare Values
Indonesia has more than 2.6 million fishermen and 140 million people who depend on marine and coastal ecosystems for their livelihoods. Practice of Illegal Fishing Indonesia resulting in economic losses to ± 20 billion dollars per year, threatens 65% of Indonesia’s coral reefs from overfishing and turn off the Indonesian fishing opportunities to get 1 million tons of fish each year. Seeing the field of fisheries offenses and crimes, especially illegal activities, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Indonesian waters is very alarming, because it needs to be taken strict measures and integrated by all relevant government agencies in order to eradicate it.In this case, in order to eradicate the practice of Illegal Fishing, President Joko Widodo Instruction and ordered the probation officers in the field can act decisively, one of which is the possibility of applying legal measures such as the sinking of the foreign vessels operating in the fishery management area of the Republic of Indonesia. In accordance with the mandate of Act No. 45 of 2009 on Fisheries in particular Article 69. However, if the penalty in accordance with the sinking of the social aspect, given the sunk ship still worthwhile to use. Why not handed over to the small fishermen through cooperatives so that the value of the benefit and welfare of small fishermen could increase.
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