Legal Analysis Of Racist Exams In Surabaya Papua Dormitory
Freedom of speech is not arbitrary. If it is not controlled, the utterance that is said will offend the other party. Must be avoided because the response given by the recipient of the utterance can be with verbal expressions, physical actions and even destructive. Legal analysis of racist utterances in Papuan dormitories in Surabaya includes: 1) Flag Abusers, 2). Officials Should Act Professionally, 3). Perpetrators of Racial Examination at the Time of the Event, 4). Flag Harassment with Racist Exams Two Different Things. As for his conclusion that the impact caused by the mass reaction in the Papuan hostel proved to have caused extraordinary social problems and the threat of national disintegration. Based on the matters that have been reviewed above, it is proven that legal instruments are sufficiently available to impose sanctions, both corporate criminal and fine. There must be sanctions that can accommodate people’s sense of justice against those who are proven guilty so that similar actions do not occur again in the future.
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