Legal Analysis Of Social Security Transformation And The Reality Of Its Implementation In The Community In Indonesia
Social security is the right of every person whose fulfillment is guaranteed by the constitution and legislation in force. The implementation is mainly related to government efforts in poverty alleviation, which are carried out in stages in accordance with the ability of the state, private sector and the community in its financing. In Indonesia social security undergoes a transformation process after the promulgation of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning BPJS (BPJS Law). This transformation process will affect the continuity of the implementation of social security programs in the future.
This article uses the normative juridical method, namely legal research on library materials by searching the laws and regulations and literature relating to the history of social security in Indonesia, the transformation process and the reality of its implementation. Research is analytical descriptive, that is, describing laws and regulations, scientific studies relating to the realization of social security in Indonesian society and the transformation of the social security system. The approach used is the statutory approach (statue approach). Secondary data collection methods through the study of library materials, which include: primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials.
The results of the study are the reality of the implementation of social security in the community in Indonesia, is still a word that is still considered taboo in society. This is reflected in several facts that can be seen in responding to or assessing social security provided by the state. In communities where the place of residence is still in the rural sphere is often less touched by the importance of a social security to them.
Transformations that occur in the social security system in Indonesia, towards the Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS), namely: PT. ASKES (Persero) changed to BPJS Health, PT (Persero) JAMSOSTEK changed to BPJS Employment, PT (Persero) ASABRI completed the transfer of the ASABRI program and pension payment program to BPJS Employment, PT TASPEN (Persero) will complete the transfer of the Old Age Insurance program and the Program pension payments to BPJS Manpower.
The next process is the dissolution of PT ASKES (Persero) and PT (Persero) JAMSOSTEK without liquidation. While PT (Persero) ASABRI and PT TASPEN (Persero) are not explicitly determined in the BPJS Law.
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