In the implementation of the educational process, the school can be said as a second home for students, so the figure of the teacher in the school can be said to be a parent figure for the students in the school environment. Teachers as one of the most important figures in the world of education, in reality, still do not get protection, especially optimal legal protection from the government, where empirical facts show that there are still no handling mechanisms when problems occur between students / parents / families and teachers in carrying out their professional duties. The obligation to provide legal protection to teachers in carrying out their professional duties, especially placed on the government, both the central government and regional governments. This study examines what efforts can be made by the Government in accommodating the fulfillment of the right to get equitable legal protection to teachers. Through descriptive analytical research methods with a sociological juridical approach and data collection techniques carried out by interviews and focused discussions obtained research results that to provide fair legal protection requires a legal reconstruction in the Law on Teacher Protection that mandates every Local Government needs to form an institution which has the role of carrying out a policy of preventing and dealing with teacher problems in carrying out his profession by establishing a mechanism to handle it comprehensively by involving several interested parties. So that it can provide a sense of justice that holds to the truth, is impartial, impartial, and not arbitrary.
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