Cegah Stunting dengan MPASI dan Waspada Pneumonia

Sri Priyantini, Setya Dipayana, Mahardika Adhitya Nugraha


Pada 2023 masih terdapat 18,8% balita stunting dan pneumonia sebanyak 2,24% di Kota Semarang. Deteksi stunting dapat dicegah dengan deteksi kurva pertumbuhan KMS 2020. Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut yang berulang adalah penyakit yang harus dicegah karena berdampak pada pertumbuhan anak. IDAI perwil kota Semarang dalam rangka hari anak nasional dan ulang tahun IDAI ke 70 bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah kota Semarang mengadakan kegiatan Pengmas Pediatric Social Responsibility (PSR). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman tenaga kesahatan di UPTD Puskesmas Genuk terkait edukasi makanan sapihan guna mencegah stunting, deteksi dini stunting, dan pencegahan pneumonia. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan teknik Ceramah menggunakan media presentasi dan sesi tanya jawab pemateri untuk menilai pemahaman peserta. Penyampaian materi dilakukan selama 60 menit, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab selama 30 menit. Penilaian pemahaman peserta secara subyektif dengan menilai proses pembelajaran tercapai jika ada diskusi interaktif dua arah antara narasumber dan peserta. Hasilnya, peserta mampu melakukan komunikasi dua arah (aktif bertanya dan menjawab) dengan baik mengenai deteksi dini stunting dari kurva pertumbuhan, pencegahan stunting dengan MPASI tepat berbasis pada Protein-lemak Hewani, deteksi dini Pnemonia dan pencegahan penularan pneumonia balita dengan menjaga etika batuk, pemakaian masker, imunisasi dan hindari asap rokok. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan ceramah ini berhasil meningkatkan pemahaman tenaga Kesehatan terkait Stunting-MPASI-Pnemonia, ini dinilai dari terciptanya suasana diskusi intraktif dua arah.

In 2023, there still be 18.8% stunted toddlers and 2.24% pneumonia in Semarang City. Detection of stunting can be prevented by detecting the KMS 2020 growth curve. Recurrent acute respiratory infections are diseases that must be prevented because they have an impact on children's growth. IDAI Perwil Semarang City in the context of National Children's Day and IDAI's 70th anniversary, in collaboration with the Semarang City Government, held Pediatric Social Responsibility (PSR) community service activities. The aim of this activity was to increase the understanding of health workers at the Genuk Community Health Center UPTD regarding weaning food education to prevent stunting, early detection and prevention of stunting. This community service activity was carried out using a lecture technique using presentation media and a question-and-answer session for the presenters to assess participants' understanding. The material was delivered for 60 minutes, then followed by a 30-minute question and answer session. Subjectively assessing participants' understanding by assessing the learning process is achieved if there is a two-way interactive discussion between the resource person and the participants.The result shows that the participants were able to carry out good two-way communication (actively asking and answering) regarding early detection of stunting from the growth curve, prevention of stunting with appropriate weaning food based on animal protein and fat, early detection of pneumonia and prevention of transmission of pneumonia to toddlers by maintaining cough etiquette, wearing masks, immunizations and avoiding cigarette smoke. Conclusion: This lecture activity was successful in increasing the understanding of Health workers regarding Stunting-MPASI-Pnemonia, this was assessed by creating an atmosphere of interactive, two-way discussion.


MPASI; Stunting; Pneumonia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/abdimasku.4.1.33-42


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