The Legal Certainty of Land Rights Certificates Regarding Land Registration

Nindya Dewi Kartika Rohmi


One of the objectives of land registration is to provide legal certainty for land rights holders. Therefore, in order to realize this, regulations regarding land registration were created, one of which is Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997. However, in reality there are still problems regarding ownership of a plot of land related to this article, namely regarding a plot of land. land that has been controlled by a legal subject for many years and has been accompanied by a certificate. There are still outside parties claiming rights to the land. Until now, Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997, which should be a solution to the above problems, still causes differences. The purpose of this research is to determine the application of Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997 in resolving problems in the field of land registration, to determine the legal protection for holders of Land Rights certificates after the certificate is issued. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method. Secondary data related to Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997 is the main data in this research and is also supported by the primary data collected. Data was collected through study of legal documents, interviews. There are still differences in the application of Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997 by judges in resolving land disputes. This article does not bind judges in deciding disputes. The application of this article still depends on the judge's consideration of whether it will bring justice to the parties to the dispute. Because there are two conflicting interests, namely if the Plaintiff is truly the owner of the actual rights to the land and the Defendant really obtained the rights to the land in good faith, so whether or not this article is applied in resolving land disputes is up to the authority of the judge who hears the case. The existence of Article 32 paragraph (2) PP Number 24 of 1997 is essentially to call attention to the Court, especially judges who decide disputes that there is a concept of rechtverwerking, namely the original concept of this article which has been applied many times by the Supreme Court in resolving land disputes. in Indonesia.
Keywords: Certainty; Certificate; Holders; Land.

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