Juridical Analysis of Bankruptcy in the Notary's Position Regulations as a Reason for Disrespectful Dismissal from Notary's Position

Antika Fitriati, Bambang Tri Bawono


The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the regulation of notaries as public officials who can be bankrupted, to find out and analyze the legal harmonization between the Law on Notary Positions and the Bankruptcy Law and PKPU regarding the dishonorable termination of a notary's position, this type of normative legal research uses an approach legislation. Based on the results of the research, it was found that firstly, the correct meaning of bankruptcy is bankrupt. From this, it was explored with a systematic interpretation, it was found that the position of a bankrupt notary was if in making a deed, the deed resulted in the parties suffering losses and demanding compensation, efforts that the notary could take if they were dishonorably dismissed is by suing the TUN, secondly, disharmony occurs between UUJN and UUK PKPU.
Keywords: Bankruptcy; Disrespectful; Notary; Termination.

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