Sutama Sutama


This research aims to describe condition of assessment and development of mathematics assessment oriented of Program for International Student Assessment in junior high school. Type of this research was qualitative with evaluative model. The research subject was mathematics teacher, principal, and students of 8th grade in Boyolali regency, also educational expert. Research data collection was done by observation, interview, documentation, and focus group discussion. Data analyses were done through qualitative analyses with the flow model and descriptive comparison. Based on findings, 1) Mathematics assessment tend to measure learning outcomes and done at the end of learning. There is no latticework on the assessment instrument. The assessment results show that 60% of students had not reached the minimum completeness criteria. Mathematics learning tend to be teacher centered. 2) Development of mathematics assessment oriented of Program for International Student Assessment started from change the teacher’s mindset to create a fun and challenge learning environment. The questions with low level thinking should not given by teacher. The development process for assessment oriented of Program for International Students Assessment, i.e. analyze basic competencies, compose latticework, choose stimulation, write item test, and compose assessment rubrics. Instrument of mathematics assessment developed by combination of high level cognitive process with indept knowledge.


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