Factors Related to HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior Among Female Sex Workers in Padang in 2018

Wilda Tri Yuliza*  -  Postgraduate of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Hardisman Hardisman  -  Postgraduate of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal  -  Faculty of Public Health, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author

Background: HIV/AIDS has a huge risk transmitted through sexual intercourse with multiple partners, including Female from Sexual Workers and customers due to perform unsafe sexual behavior. The increasing prevalence of HIV/AIDS among female sex workers in Indonesia related to the health prevention behaviors were too low.

Objective: To determine the factors related to the behavior of HIV/AIDS prevention at the FSW.

Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach by the cross-sectional design. Researchers took a sample of 50 female sex workers in Padang using Consecutive Sampling method. Analysis of the data in this study using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyzes.

Results: Results showed 66% of FSW have a good preventive behavior, there is a significant relationship between education (p= 0.024), knowledge (p= 0.002), attitude (p= 0.0001), specificity (p= 0.006), support fellow of FSW (p= 0.027), and support officers (p= 0.013) to conduct HIV/AIDS prevention at the FSW. Whereas the availability of condoms, access to information and support pimps have no meaningful relationship to the behavior of HIV/AIDS prevention. The most dominant factor related to the behavior of HIV/AIDS prevention is the attitude (OR= 82.877 CI: 7.717-89.079).

Conclusion: Factors in themselves greatly influence the behavior of female sex workers in preventing HIV/AIDS coupled with the support of the closest people such as friends, pimps, and officers who make female sex workers feel comfortable and feel cared for.


Keywords: Sexual; FSW; Customers; Condoms.

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DOI : 10.30659/sainsmed

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