The Role of the Police in Preventing Misuse of Firearms by Civil Society

indra novianto


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the factors that are obstacles in preventing the misuse of firearms and to determine and analyze the role of the police in preventing misuse of firearms by civilians. The approach method used in this writing is sociological juridical. The writing specifications used are descriptive analysis. Data collection methods and techniques in this writing were carried out using literature studies and interviews with relevant agencies. The data analysis method was carried out using a qualitative juridical analysis method. Based on the research results, it is known that the factors inhibiting the police in tackling firearms abuse include the lack of supervision by the police regarding the black market trade in firearms with cheap selling prices and an easy process, the lack of maximum penalties for illegal firearms owners, the need for a police budget. which do not comply with the standard patrol requirements, the limited number of police personnel in carrying out police patrol functions, the lack of public attention to the surrounding environment. The role of the police in tackling the misuse of firearms by civilians includes collecting data on firearm ownership, carrying out periodic checks once a year on owners of firearms, both firearms and documents regarding the ownership/use of firearms, withdrawing/storing firearms whose documents are no longer valid or have expired, issuing permits for the ownership and use of firearms and air rifles and replica/toy weapons in the context of supervision and control (Regulation of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2022), carrying out legal actions/remedies in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.


Civil; Firearms; Society.


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