The Law Enforcement of Traffic Crimes with Fatal Consequences

Roni Hidayat


The high rate of crime or traffic violations in Indonesia can be seen from the number of incidents of traffic accidents on the main roads which are more dominant in showing fatal consequences, namely causing victims to be seriously injured and even resulting in death for the victim. However, law enforcement against traffic crimes is still not running well.The purpose of this research is to find out the law enforcement of traffic crimes that result in victims being seriously injured or dead and to find out what factors are obstacles to the police in enforcing the law on traffic crimes that have fatal consequences. This research is a normative legal research using a sociological normative approach. The results of this study indicate that the settlement of traffic crimes is still not optimal so that there are still many traffic accidents that show fatal consequences and even the victims of accidents die. Some of the inhibiting factors in enforcing the law on traffic crimes include: factors of abuse of rules, law enforcement factors, factors of facilities or facilities and community factors and cultural factors.


Crime; Enforcement; Traffic.

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