The Attorney's Efforts in Eradicating Drug Abuse Crimes

Budi Sulistyo


The rise of narcotics abuse in Indonesia has made several law enforcement officers, especially the Attorney General's Office, have difficulty dealing with drug abuse. Currently, the Attorney General's Office is making efforts to deal with drug abuse. The purpose of this study is to describe the efforts made by the Attorney General's Office in dealing with drug abuse and to describe the results of the efforts made by the Prosecutor's Office in dealing with this drug abuse. This research approach uses descriptive qualitative. Data analysis techniques use source triangulation by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions or verifying. This study aims to determine the Attorney's efforts in tackling drug abuse and to find out the results of the Attorney's efforts in tackling drug abuse. The Attorney General's Office has made efforts both preventively and regressively. It was felt that the cooperation from the community who helped in eradicating drugs began to increase from the previous year. The Prosecutor's Office also cooperates with the Police to take legal action against drug crimes that occur in regions throughout Indonesia.


Attorney; Efforts; Drugs.

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Act No. 16 of 2004 concerning attorney

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