The Police Actions in Handling Criminal Activities Collection Traffic Accidents that Caused the Victims Death

Eko Juni Susanto, Umar Ma'ruf, Siti Ummu Adillah


The purpose of this study is as follows: To find out and analyze the actions of the police in dealing with the crime of hit-and-run traffic accidents that resulted in the victim's death. The approach method used in writing this law is a normative juridical approach and the specification of the research used is descriptive-analytical. The sources and types of data in this study are secondary data obtained from library studies. Based on the results of the study that Police Actions in Handling the Crime of Hit and Run Traffic Accidents That Cause the Victim to Die mstarting from the first action at the crime scene, such as examining evidence, holding a photo shoot, looking for the direction of the vehicle or perpetrator. Up to follow-up actions such as informing other units, conducting inspections at places used to change identities.


Actions; Crime; Traffic.

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