The Law Enforcement on Criminal Acts of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance

Rozikhan Rozikhan, Rakhmat Bowo Suharto


This research aims to analyze the Law Enforcement on the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance. To analyze the factors that influence law enforcement against narcotics crime of new psychoactive substances. To analyze the Law Enforcement against the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance. The method used by the researcher is a juridical empirical legal approach and the specifications in this study are descriptive-analytical. The sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field study interviews with investigators at the Kudus Police. And secondary data was obtained from the literature study. The data were analyzed qualitatively using law enforcement theory, law discovery theory and law enforcement theory in Islam. Based on the results of the research that Law Enforcement against the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance is to improve the legal substance and legal culture, and pay attention to legal factors as the main obstacle in law enforcement against users of herbal addictive substances. The factors that influence Law Enforcement against the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance are difficulties with witnesses, financial ability, and mental attitude of law enforcers. Law Enforcement against the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substance is based on the principle of legality, it is not possible to apply Act No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics to the Crime of Narcotics New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) because narcotics that are abused must first be included in the Attachment of the Act. Law and to Act No.35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, it is necessary to make changes.


Criminal; Enforcement; Narcotics.

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