Spirituality And Organizational Commitment To The Management Of Student Organizations

Yusanto N.R. Afrizal, Fuad Nashori


This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and organizational commitment on the board of a student organization of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This study hypothesises that there is a positive correlation between spirituality and organizational commitment on the UII board of a student organization. The subjects involved in this study were 73 students, comprising 38 male students and 35 female students from a wide variety of student organizations, Universitas Islam Indonesia. This study used two measuring instruments for research, namely (a) the scale of spirituality (23-item), which refers to aspects of spirituality, Samiyanto (2011) with α = 0.933, and (b) the scale of organizational commitment (17-item), which refers to aspects of organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer (1990) with α = 0.898. The results of data analysis using the product moment correlation technique of Spearman rho show that there is a positive correlation between spirituality and organizational commitment on the board of a student organization UII (r = 0.456) with p = 0.007 (p <0.01), i.e., the higher the spirituality of a person, the higher organizational commitment of the management of the organization. Analysis of the coefficient of determination (r squared) shows the spirituality of 20.8% contribution to organizational commitment caretaker UII student organizations. Based on the results of the study, the research hypothesis is accepted

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/psisula.v6i0.42847


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