The Measurement of Quality of School Life in Low Economic Students
Inequality still occurs in education in Indonesia, especially in Lebak Banten, which is geographically quite close to the state capital region. The quality of education includes teachers, facilities, services, and interest in school participation; per capita income still needs to develop. Quality of school life is one of the important constructs that can show how the continuity of education is running. Quality of school life is not only seen from the school's point of view, but we need to pay attention to the student's point of view. This study examines the measurement of the quality of school life in Indonesian versions. Participants come from low economic status (indicated by monthly income under regional minimum wages). We measured the quality of school life with seven domains: positive and negative affect and five specific domains: status, identity, teacher-student relations, opportunity, and achievement. The data was analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) (N=467). All items theorized to measure the quality of school life were valid. These results indicate that this scale contributes positively and validly to low economic students' quality of school life.
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